Aqua season celestial celebrations and cosmic moon blessings

Published on 11 February 2023 at 12:01

As Aquarius season comes to an end, my creativity is in full flow for the preparation of dreamy Pisces season. As an Aquarius I have found that this time of year fuels me for the seasons ahead.

But recently I have needed to recharge for a couple of months, I kind of had to pull my energy inwards to protect myself while I reinvented and manifested my visions into reality.

This year there's a lot of energy in the skies and cosmically it's an exciting time, but for those sensitive to energy it can feel a little overwhelming and it's not just me feeling it. 

After following astrology in correlation to the movement of the night sky, and practicing natural celestial spirit cleansing for pretty much a life time, it is satisfying to see spiritual healing finally gaining popularity, especially on platforms like YouTube. It's very much the season of the witch right now and this year will be enlightening, I'm sure of it.

Psychic energies are buzzing, and the ancient cultures of Druidism, paganism and ancient mythologies are making a comeback. People are connecting with ancient spirituality again and I think that's beautiful, even if it's dressed up in modern times. 

Spiritual healing is at an all time high, and it's about time we tap into that cosmic world. The energies are raw and electric, eclectic like fire blazing trail's burning in the sky.

I began a blog called Starting Today three years ago, and while I've temporarily taken it down to rework on it, I realised while I loved creating content on there- my blog was splitting in two. 

While it started as a motivational place to show people the powers of manifestation and to build confidence in others, ultimately my mystic musings kept shining through. The things is, while I started to get some sort of satisfaction from a new found cosmic alignment, I became conflicted with my content on there.

I started to tone down my musings and found it difficult to create the content on there that I really wanted to share. It felt like two blogs, fighting for freedom.

After experiencing a dark knight of the soul a few years ago and the painful death of my ego, my spiritual journey started to progress and Starting Today began to get a bit conflicted. Eventually, my content evolved into raw energy and I realised that the path I started on had changed dramatically.

So just like the fool, who walks along the path of the moon and starts his journey, I'd eventually ended up the hermit and I realised I was staring at the start of a new project, so here we are, with my mystic musings. 

My cosmic thoughts of benevolence, my passion for astrological findings and some poetry from a druid channelling her energetic impulses.

Neon Dream

Neon brightly in the night,

Vivid colours of delight,

Dark souls in a lightning haze,

Daydreaming keeps my gaze,

Flashing in my cortex vision,

Scarlet hot and psychic prism.

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